If you are keeping your child home, whether for illness or any other reason, please be sure to report that to our attendance line as early as possible. This assists us with our symptom tracking and contact tracing. We appreciate your diligence in keeping your student home when they are showing any signs of illness. That is one of the primary layers of safety to keeping everyone safe and healthy during this time.
Phone: 425.936.2841
When calling or emailing regarding your students’ attendance please include:
- Student's full name
- Teacher's name
- AM or PM session
- Reason for absence
Early dismissal
We recognize the need for doctor and dental appointments and other emergencies. Please send a note to the teacher and/or office in advance so we can have your student prepared in the office. Upon arriving to pick up your student, please ring the doorbell at the front entrance of the school to sign your child out. Children are released only to parents, guardians, or those having pick-up permission in Skyward. To ensure student safety, you will be asked to show picture identification prior to picking up your student.
Extended absences
The school district schedules time throughout the year for breaks such as Thanksgiving break, Winter Break and Mid-Winter Break. Vacations outside of this time are discouraged. If for rare reason your family needs to travel or take vacation outside of the district’s break time, new state attendance law states that in order for the absence to be excused, there must be pre-approval by the principal. When scheduling family travel plans or vacations, when at all possible, please do so during district scheduled breaks.
If your plans are unavoidable and fall within the normal school year, please send an approval request to